Monday, February 14, 2011

Live, Laugh, Love

Valentine's Day is usually a day of love shared toward one another. Mason didn't want to leave Myra out, so he got her a dog. Not long after,she had the dog all dressed up to go outside, because she knows we can't go outside without our shoes on! And of course we need cookies and sugar to make a day complete!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jammin' to the Music

I really have nothing to say about this. This is just Myra being Myra!

Sing us a song, you're the piano woman

Myra and Grandma Lloyd playing on the piano

Dress Up

Recently, the UPS man dropped off a gift for us. It was in a huge box, but most of it was filled with this paper that Myra is wearing. Inside this huge box was a little pizza stone. I thought it was kinda funny to pull out tons of paper to find a little gift. First Myra was laying down on the box and was using the paper as a blanket, but then she got creative and had me wrap her in it.